(813) 455-4551

 HOA Defense


A Homeowner’s Association (HOA) can take your house faster than your bank.  HOAs are powerful in Florida, with strong laws.  This allows them to keep neighborhoods beautiful and within the guidelines established by the builder.

However, some HOAs go rogue.  Instead of using the laws to maintain a pleasant neighborhood, some HOAs harass homeowners and drive people away. There is no shortage of firms to help HOAs control their residents. 

Harder Law has successfully defended homeowners against HOAs that have stepped out of bounds.  If you feel your HOA was wrong, get a second opinion.  HOAs are busy and can make mistakes.  Why should you pay for their mistake?

If you have questions about HOA defense, email us or call us.

Contact Harder Law today for a free consultation!


15438 N. Florida Ave. Suite 120
Tampa, FL 33613

Mailing Address

23110 State Road 54, #157
Lutz, FL 33549

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